
1st East Grinstead Scout Group
Centenary 1908 - 2008

A Quarterly journal recording the Activities of the
East Grinstead Boy Scouts.

Editor    …    …    W. Best

We must apologise for the late publication of this number of the Magazine. We have been, however, hindered by the usual lack of articles. Doctor has kindly written a very interesting article on next Summer Camp at Jersey, he is also letting us publish a photograph of the site. He went over to the Island in May and he seems confident that we shall all enjoy ourselves. It ought to be the most successful camp ever run by the Troop. By the way, I do hope that all these boys who are going to camp will carefully read and digest the article on "Camp Cleanliness " by "Pop", whom we all remember as a very good friend to the East Grinstead Troop. We hope, that he will be able to come to Summer Camp. But he is now in Ireland and rather unsettled. We almost wonder if he has caused all the trouble over there. (Sorry, Pop !)

Once more we have to utter the eternal appeal for more support. Doctor is most kindly financing the Magazine, but the sales are very discouraging to all who endeavour to run it. We are very thankful to all those people who have subscribed, but there are still boys in the Troop who will not trouble to buy one: now that is hardly playing the game, is it?

The Troop is again becoming quite active in Gymnastic Displays just now. So active in fact, that score of us are now film stars (for explanation see article on "Gymnastics.") The recent heat wave has brought forth many sun-tanned bodies, so that we can now economise in the use of red ochre for our Indian make-up.

The spare ground at the Room has once more been dug over, this time by the Rovers! Our special representative has learnt that it will be converted into a bowling green, so as the S.M. and A.S.M. may have some form of recreation in their old age. They are already becoming grey with the worry of looking after some 30 little monkeys and their five keepers (I mean the P.L.’s)

Having had my say, 1 leave the gentle reader to the tender mercies of our contributors to No. 4, Vol. I. of The Fleur-de-Lys. (No bouquets or brickbats by request.)