1st East Grinstead Scout Group
Centenary 1908 - 2008

Pictorial History of the Group

Much historical material has been located, far too much to reproduce here. It is proposed to produce an Electronic Book of the History of the Group on a DVD in Portable Document Format, .pdf. This will be available after our Centenary Celebrations , including details of the years celebrations, at a cost of £5. Those who have contributed to the history will receive a copy free of charge.

Register your interest

If you would like to register your interest in any of the above events and receive further information or purchase either the Group Centenary Badge or the Historical DVD please contact us by email on the form on the following page

Spread the News

If you are in contact with an ex member or friend of the Group please pass the information of the web site onto them so that they may be involved in our Centenary Celebrations.

If you hold any archive material or photographs we would be pleased to receive copies of them

Email your interest on the following form