1st East Grinstead Scout Group
Centenary 1908 - 2008
Scouts on Ashdown Forest


In January 1912 Scoutmaster Dr. Walker gave a lecture which was reported in the local press regarding local scouting as follows;

Transcript of Lecture East Grinstead Observer 6th Jan 1912

The Boy Scout Movement

At the Victoria Hall on Thursday evening Scoutmaster S. Lewis Walker gave a lecture on the "Boy Scout. Movement." with the object of acquainting the people of the neighbourhood with its objects and the work done in connection with it., Mr. F. A. White presided over a large attendance, and in his opening remarks announced that General Sir Robert Baden Powell had issued a warrant making East Grinstead into an Association with power over Ashurst Wood, North End, &c., under Commissioner Sir H. Hanbury Brown, who is the Commissioner for North Sussex.